Fermenting Data: categorising taste and colour
[Workshop 2] Fermenting Data: categorising taste and colour
7 October 17.00 – 19.00
Høegh Guldbergs Gade 65B, 8000C Aarhus
What is data if not a measuring technique? In function similar to language, whose primary objective is to communicate, data keeps count and by counting objects, bodies, sensations, data defines what is. During the second workshop we sampled ferments and accounted for taste, colour, texture and ingredients.
COLOURS samples ---> red with a hint of peach ---> pink, green beige, light rosa ---> orange ---> pastel pink ---> light rosa + small green spots ---> pleasantly pink ---> pink, rosa, red, pale, green ---> light and see through ---> sandy white, spots of dark green
TASTE samples ---> sour 2/5 ---> bitter ---> sour spicy, burning in mouth ---> sour sweet ---> sour 3.5/5 ---> strong, a bit burning on lips and tangue, sour, very different depending on what you get on the fork ---> can't taste ...really? ---> green, fresh, grassy ---> rounded, sweet, sour, red ---> softly sour
TEXTURE samples ---> soft, chewy like a gummy bear ---> smaller bits 0.5mm-2cm ---> very crunchy, rubbery ---> crunchy, tangely ---> nice and crunchy
TAGS other ---> waste ---> cybernetics ---> jar processes ---> cybernetics ---> translations ---> data sensation ---> data duration ---> exchange ---> software ---> colonized ---> emotions ---> chaos as tool ---> reading data ---> transformation of matter ---> becoming ---> demolition
Tags: blog, categorising, sampling